Background Analysis: Historical Considerations
on Kosovo
Defense & Foreign Affairs Special Analysis - November 7, 2006
Analysis. By V. Groginsky, GIS Station Kosovo. The southern Serbian province of
Kosovo and Metohija is a region of many contrasts in landscape, culture, and
historical perspective. From arid hills similar to eastern Afghanistan, to
mountainous mining towns like those in Colorado, and wide fertile plains
resembling parts of the American Mid-West, Kosovo has been the object of
numerous foreign conquerors over the ages. Thracians, Ilyrians, Romans,
Byzantines, Turks, Hungarians, Bulgarians, and Albanians have all vied for
control of the region, but for the past 1,400 years it has been distinctly
Serbian in character.
However, for the past 500 years, Kosovo has been undergoing a process of
aggressive Albanization, which has accelerated exponentially over the past
century. At the heart of the conflict lies a clash between waxing and waning
nation-states, and the Westphalian concept of sovereignty.
Kosovo is the cradle of the Serbian nation and culture, the home of its ancient
Orthodox Christian monasteries and site of its celebrated battles against
Islamic conquest and foreign domination. Serbs can legitimately trace over 1,400
years of presence in the region, and repeated mass casualties to protect this
heritage and territory over the centuries are well documented and indisputable.
Kosovo Albanians appeared in the region starting in the 15<th> Century, while it
was under Ottoman Turkish domination, and many Orthodox Christian Albanians
converted to Islam to curry favor with their foreign overlords. Moreover, as
much as 40 percent of Kosovo Albanians' lineage can be traced directly to Serb
ancestry, owing to large numbers of Serbs who converted to Islam and Albanized,
in order to maintain their holdings or achieve social status through
assimilation in the face of expansion by Albanian and Islamic societies. Whereas
the Serbs have long sought accommodation with other nationalities, the Albanians
are rejectionist, espousing exclusive ethnocentrism, which is, given the reality
of their mixed bloodline, more of a cultural centrism.
The Serbs have a saying that "a convert is worse than a Turk", and like Bosnian
Muslims and Croatians who were forced or voluntary converts from Orthodox
Christianity, these populations are often at the extreme end of the
national-political spectrum, known for their brutality towards their former
brethren. In some regions, such as the Drenica region, renowned for Albanian
nationalist extremism, almost 100 percent of the Serb population Albanized
within the past century. Many in today's Kosovo Albanian separatist leadership
have distinctly Albanized Serb names, and their national hero, Skender Beg, was
an Albanian-Serb taken at early age as a blood tax by the Ottoman Turks to
return first as a janissary, and then as an Albanian national liberator.
The Past Century
The Serbian majority has been systematically reduced to minority status, largely
in three great migrations. The first was in 1690, when the Serbian Patriarchate
and tens of thousands of Serbs fled Turkish reprisals due to a Serbian
rebellious alliance with Austria. The second occurred in 1790, as Ottoman Turks
lost control to Albanian violence, and hundreds of thousands of Serbs fled
toward Austro-Hungarian lands. From 1876 to 1912, regional wars saw the flight
of an additional 200,000 to 400,000. The Serbs attempted re-colonization in 1912
during the Balkan war, which in turn displaced Albanians. During World War I,
the Serbs fled from the Austrian Army over the Albanian mountains in Winter,
where they were continually harassed and ambushed by Albanians along their march
to Greece. Casualties were estimated at 100,000.
During World War II, Kosovo Albanians sided with the Nazis, and formed several
SS divisions, including the Skenderbeg Division. Germans and Albanians in Kosovo
exterminated tens of thousands of Serbs, Jews, and Gypsies, driving hundreds of
thousands into exile, further north into Serbia. During the period of Tito's
Yugoslavia, hundreds of thousands more fled the increasingly militant
Albanian-dominated region. Tito's own policies -- such as the prohibition
against Kosovo Serb refugees' return, open border with Albania, and subsidies
for high Albanian natality -- contributed to the inversion of population
demographics. Tito espoused "Strong Yugoslavia, Weak Serbia", and created facts
on the ground to ensure it.
The League of Prizren in 1878 sought to create a Greater Albania autonomous from
the Ottoman Empire throughout Albania, Kosovo, parts of Macedonia, Montenegro,
Serbia, and Greece. This was promoted at the Congress of Berlin, and the Second
League of Prizren in 1943. The issue of militarist Albanian designs on the
region was made known as early as 1912 when at a London conference Kosovo
Albanian leader Isa Boletini said: "We will fertilize the land of Kosovo with
the bones of Serbs." The invading Ottomans, Austrians, Tito, Albanians, and now
NATO have killed or driven out the Serbs in waves, reducing their numbers from
majority to minority status in less than two generations. The map which Hitler
created of a Greater Albania based on the League of Prizren is espoused by
current Albanian nationalists, and openly backed by some in Washington,
Brussels, and elsewhere. Moreover, the US has re-created the Ottoman system, by
empowering Albanians to persecute Serbs to further US designs on the region.
But as they had with the Turks, the Albanians still have plans of their own.
The Present, Tense
The Serbian province of Kosovo is nearing the artificially-imposed time limit
for a "final decision" on its status as either an autonomous Serbian province,
or an independent state, albeit an international protectorate. That "decision"
has probably already been made, foretelling another human exodus.
The casual observer could be forgiven for attributing normalcy to present day
Kosovo upon first glance. Pristina's cafes are filled with reveling Albanian and
international patrons. Perhaps a quarter of the cars in urban areas are
late-model BMWs, Mercedes, or Audis. New construction projects rise along many
major roads and Albanian population centers. It appears that Albanian Kosovo is
undergoing an economic boom. The Albanian flag waves proudly beside the Stars
and Stripes, perhaps the only Muslim region where it does so. And a spirit of
freedom pervades the majority Albanian society. But image is not reality,
neither in media, nor in strategic issues. And Kosovo is neither normal nor
Kosovo today is the nerve center of organized crime in Europe.
The Kosovo Albanian mafia - whose capos are the ethnic Albanian leaders of
Kosovo (Hashim Thaci, Agim Ceku, Ramush Haradinaj, and hundreds of others), and
US allies - control most of the heroin, arms, and white slavery/prostitution
rings in Europe. Most of the luxury autos in Kosovo are stolen in central
Europe, and given false papers; there are so many that prices are as low as
4,000 euros . Kosovo is the safe-haven for their laundered funds, often invested
back into construction projects on real estate stolen from Serbs.
Kosovo Albanians have committed armed robberies in France with automatic weapons
and RPGs, and have overtaken the Sicilian Mafia in Italy, largely due to their
ruthlessness and closed society. Their criminal enterprises have been documented
by law enforcement agencies to stretch throughout Western Europe and the US.
Their money has allegedly bought off US senators and congressmen; their
revisionist history and expansionist aims have been made official policy of the
US Congress, and State Department. In Kosovo, their heroin labs are protected
and heroin transported by units of the US military. During the Albanian
insurgency of 1997-1999 (and through 2001 in Macedonia and Presevo), US Special
Forces and British SAS armed, trained, and gave battlefield expertise to
Albanian separatists waging brutal separatist campaigns in the region. During
the war in Kosovo in 1999, the US military airlifted the Albanian UCK (Ushtria
Clirimtare e Kosove : the Kosovo Liberation Army, also referred to as the KLA)
terrorists into some Serbian villages, where every civilian was killed or
expelled, for instance the village of Trpeza near Gnjilane.
One of Kosovo's Albanian warlords and Mafiosi, Hashim Thaci (who uses the
nickname "The Snake", and who is a friend of former US Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright and CNN ccorrespondent Christiane Amanpour, and whose Victory
Hotel in Pristina is adorned with a Statue of Liberty and upside-down US flag;
this is where KBR and Halliburton employees are housed) recently stated in Koha
"... [O]rganized crime and mafia which has penetrated to the highest ranks of
the government pyramid are the biggest dangers for Kosovo ... but what will
happen after the status [ie: sovereignty recognition for Kosovo]? Who will stop
the criminal gangs that have been installed by this weak government?"
Certainly it won't be the very criminals who are the prime culprits.
The official response of US Government officials to questions about the role of
jihadist and radical Islamist elements in the Kosovo Albanian independence
movement is that it is an inconsequential phenomenon, and that most Albanians
are secular nationalists. The attitude of Western policy makers is that if the
Kosovo Albanians are not given independence soon, they will be driven into the
camp of Wahhabists out of frustration. Wahhabist influence is unrelated to
Kosovo's status, and is already well entrenched.
Western military intelligence officials have extensively documented the inroads
made by jihadist /terrorist elements, and their presence throughout Kosovo, and
links to global Islamist terror networks and narco-mafias is widely known. In
many areas, young Kosovo Albanians are being converted to the Wahhabist faction,
and are highly visible in their telltale short haircuts, beards, and
ankle-length pants. As well, many Arabs are present from the Middle East and
France, presumably leaders of jihadist cells. Moreover, anti-Western jihadist
sermons are now a regular feature at many of the new mosques. Iranian and Middle
Eastern radical imams are preaching jihadist rhetoric in mosques in Prizren; al
Qaeda linked mosques exist in Urosevac and Talnivoc. Many Albanians including
moderate imams are concerned about the growing power of Wahhabist influence.
Western military intelligence officials have stated that the findings of their
investigations into the jihadist terror networks are routinely ignored or
blocked by NATO, UN, and US officials.
Kosovo Albanian nationalists as well have voiced concern over the rising
influence of Wahhabism in Albanian society. Writing in the Albanian-language
daily Express, Genc Morina stated:
"The warriors of pure Islam", as the Wahabists like to call themselves, began
their activity in Kosovo and the beginning of the 1990s ...
The NGOs still active under the auspices of the Saudi Joint Committee for the
Relief of Kosovo and Chechnya, which came to Kosovo after the most recent 1999
war, are profiting from poverty in the suburbs of Kosovo cities but also to a
large degree in the surrounding villages...
... Islamic Education Foundation (IEF) is offering Kosovo children "an
education" in over 30 Q'uranic schools throughout Kosovo. The children are being
offered 50 euros to learn certain ayats and suras from the Q'uran by heart. In
schools built with funds from the Saudi Joint Committee for the Relief of Kosovo
and Chechnya and with the assistance of the Islamic Education Foundation, work
is being done to create a new generation of loyal Muslims - not (loyal) to
Kosovo but to the Islamic internationale . Ever in the service of this project
in mosques identified as "theirs" Wahhabi activists have opened Internet cafes
to attract children ...
On top of the above-cited facts mujahedin activists have also targeted other
parts of the Kosovo population. Widows, people fired from their jobs, peasants,
unemployed youth, some "intellectuals" are receiving financial means (150 euros
and other kinds of assistance) to lead a completely Islamic manner of life in
its most radical form.
There are two very distinct Kosovos easily visible today. In minority enclaves
(Serbs, Gypsies, Gorani, Egyptians, Croats, Turks, Ashkali and others),
populations live in a state of constant fear from Albanian intimidation or
attack, which occur almost daily. Not one Jew remains. Serbs are routinely
murdered with no legal recourse, as the "justice" system is entirely in the
hands of ethnic Albanians, placed there by Hashim Thaci and United Nations
Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) officials. Prosecutor Ismet Kabashi, an Islamist, is
one such example. While nine percent of the Kosovo Police Corps are ethnic
Serbs, they are mere stage-props, as the real power is in the hands of its
Albanian core which temporarily maintains a facade of minority tolerance to
appease their backers in the "international community".
Since 1999, more than 1,000 ethnic Serbs have been kidnapped and murdered, with
few of the bodies recovered. Few ethnic Albanians have been arrested or tried
for these murders, or for the destruction of over 130 historic Serbian churches,
the countless monuments and graveyards vandalized, or the ethnic cleansing of
230,000 Serbs and other minorities.
Those minorities which remain do so in conditions very different from the
majority Albanians. Serbs and other persecuted minorities venture out of their
hamlets and enclaves at great risk, and having been completely disarmed by KFOR/NATO,
have no means of defense even within them. Armed incursions by Albanian
attackers still occur, and are often directed against isolated, vulnerable, and
often elderly civilians. Even if Serbs had the means to defend themselves, the
Albanian leadership waits for any possible excuse to launch another pogrom
against Serbs, such as that of March 2004, where thousands of Serbs were
expelled under the watchful eyes of NATO troops, and dozens of centuries' old
churches demolished. The pretext was the drowning of some Albanian boys in a
river, purported by Albanian radio to have been chased there by Serbs and their
dog, but the incident turned out to be an accident. The pogrom was centrally
directed, well organized, and methodical.
The Office of the Ombudsperson in Kosovo goes further in describing the events
of March 17, 2004. According to the IVth Report of the Ombudsperson's Institute
in Kosovo July 12, 2004:
"... [T]his onslaught was an organized, widespread and targeted campaign.
Minority areas were targeted, sending a message that minorities and returnees
were not welcome in Kosovo. The Secretary-General saw this as a targeted effort
to drive out Kosovo Serbs and members of the Roma and Ashkalija communities and
to destroy the social fabric of their existence in Kosovo. It also showed a lack
of commitment among large segments of the Kosovo Albanian population to creating
a truly multi-ethnic society in Kosovo."
A Human Rights Watch report is particularly instructive of how the Albanians
operated in creating the larger conflict:
"...The KLA was responsible for serious abuses in 1998, including abductions and
murders of Serbs and ethnic Albanians considered collaborators [sic : loyal to]
the state. In some villages under KLA control in 1998, the rebels drove ethnic
Serbs from their homes. Some of those who remained are unaccounted for and are
presumed to have been abducted by the KLA and killed ... The KLA detained an
estimated 85 Serbs during its July 19, 1998, attack on Orahovac. Thirty five of
these people were subsequently released, but the others remain missing as of
August 2001. On July 22, 1998, the KLA briefly took control of the Belacevac
mine near Obilic. Nine Serbs were captured that day and they remain on the
ICRC's list of the missing. In September 1998, the Serbian police collected the
34 bodies of people believed to have been seized and murdered by the KLA, among
them some ethnic Albanians, at Lake Rodanjic, near Glodjane. Prior to that the
most serious KLA abuse was the reported killing of 22 Serbian civilians in the
village of Klecka ... The KLA ... engaged in military tactics which put
civilians at risk. KLA units sometimes staged an ambush or attacked police and
army outposts from a village, and then retreated, exposing villagers to revenge
attacks ... Most seriously, as many as 1000 Serbs and Roma [gypsies] have been
murdered or have gone missing since June 12, 1999...elements of the KLA are
clearly responsible for many ... of these crimes...There is also a clear
political goal in many of these attacks: the removal from Kosovo of non-ethnic
Albanians in order to better justify an independent state."
One US UN official stated that the total Albanian deaths in the 1998-1998 war
with Serbia was 2,700 to 2,900. This included both civilian and military, and
included combat deaths and summary executions. Serbian High Command, possibly
Pres. Slobodan Milosevic, ordered that bodies be removed from Kosovo, and hidden
in Serbia. After the fall of Milosevic, the Serbian Government turned over 800
bodies of Albanians, who had been buried in a mass grave at Batajnica. Included
in the figure were women and children. Similarly, refrigerated containers
containing dozens of bodies were disposed of. Most remains have been returned to
the Kosovo Albanian Administration.
However, the international community has, like in Bosnia and Croatia before,
been indifferent towards military excesses when the recipient population was
Serb. Video and photographic documentation is plentiful of Albanian excesses
against non-Albanian civilians, yet even the few who have been indicted by the
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) are given wide
reign in Kosovo. Of those who have been indicted, among the more than 100 actual
war criminals, most were indicted for crimes against fellow Albanians. (Ramush
Haradinaj killed hundreds of Albanians in the Drenica region for refusing to
give their sons to the KLA. The bodies he disposed of in a lake near Djakovica
had to be dredged up when he was tipped off that it would be searched by
international forces, to avoid a political embarrassment.)
See also:
Defense & Foreign Affairs Special Analysis, March 19, 2004: New Kosovo Violence
is Start of Predicted 2004 Wave of Islamist Operations: the Strategic
Defense & Foreign Affairs Special Analysis, October 25, 2005:
Special Report 1: New Evidence Highlights Albanian Link to Explosives Used in
London, Madrid Bombings .
Special Report 2: Jihadist Terrorist Leader Returns to the Balkans as Actions
Intensify to Promote Kosovo Independence .
Special Report 3: Heroin Production Facilities Flourish in Kosovo Area Under US
Military Protection .
Defense & Foreign Affairs Special Analysis, January 25, 2006: Death of Kosovo's
Albanian President Ibrahim Rugova Delays Status Talks and Increases Likelihood
of Violence .
Defense & Foreign Affairs Special Analysis, October 27, 2006: Growing Evidence
of Complicity of UN and Western Officials in Support for Jihadists in Kosovo .
Copyright2006 Defense & Foreign
Affairs/International Strategic Studies Association
Reprinted with Permission.