Address of Slobodan Milosevic to the Head Committee of the SPS
December 3, 2003

Dear comrades,

I wish to greet you and to tell you that we all together have a duty to struggle for victory and to win. It is the interest of the whole people, of every family and each individual. And looking from the prospective of individuals, of families and of the people – everyone wishes to live in prosperous and developed, safe and happy country. In order to be all that, Serbia has to be free. That is why freedom is a goal that has to be above all other goals. That goal is reachable although it is hard to reach it. It is reachable since truth is the most powerful weapon. It is hard since great efforts, lot of work and firm unity are needed for that truth to access brain and heart of every citizen.

In these elections Serbian people has historical duty to choose the truth. Three years ago I warned citizens of Serbia what was going to happen if the exponents of foreign powers, i.e. of their governments, come to power. Everything happened exactly as I said – nobody can deny it today.

The Socialist Party of Serbia has duty and ability to gather and mobilize forces that will reverse the processes which are the sad reality of Serbia – in the interest of peasants, in the interest of workers, intellectuals, in the interest of Kosovo martyrs, in the interest of everyone who lives of his own work – as well as in the interest of Serbian people, national dignity and dignity of every citizen.

I have proposed Milutin Mrkonjic for Prime Minister because he is a builder who proved himself in the hardest time. Serbia needs a million of new employments, it needs apartments, hospitals, schools, roads, railways, bridges, it needs accelerated improvement of living standards, both social and individual, for all – from babies in nurseries until pensioners.

Serbia is in Europe; it has no reason to stand submissively in anybody’s waiting room. There is no happy beggar or wealthy colony. Fast integration into contemporary World can be achieved only through our own successful development – not by mercy or decree of the outside factors.

That is why Serbia should vote for truth, should vote for Serbia.

In that name I wish to send you at least one more time a message that we all together have a duty to struggle for victory.

Until victory!