Public Prosecutor’s Office The Hague

Mailing address:
20302, 2500 EH The Hague

Visiting address:
Paleis van Justitie
Prins Clauslaan 60
2595 AJ The Hague
Mr. H. Holthuis
Mr. Z. Tomanovic

Please refer to section, contact person, Public Prosecutor’s Office number / our reference and date in your reply:

Section: ZWACRY team

Contact person: Ms. J.S. de Vries/Ms. M.G.T. Kramer

Date: 17 March 2006

Subject: Provisional findings concerning the death of S. Milosevic

Dear Mr. Holthuis and Mr. Tomanovic

Further to the provisional autopsy findings of 12 March, that were sent to you earlier, with the provisional conclusion that Mr. Milosevic apparently died from a heart infarction, I state the following:

A toxicological examination was carried out after the autopsy, resulting in the following provisional findings:

- so far, no indications of poisoning have been found;

- a number of medicines prescribed for Mr. Milosevic were found in the body material, but not in toxic concentration;

- so far, no traces of rifampicine were found.

The NFI /Dutch Forensic Institute/ has informed us that rifampicine disappears from the body quickly, and the fact that no traces were found implies only that it is not likely that rifampicine had been ingested or administered in the last few days before death.

In view of all the speculation in the media, it seems appropriate that I should inform you in the meantime of these results. However, the examination has not yet been concluded, and it will be continued in the coming week, among other things on the basis of medical data provided by the ICTY.

I would like to stress that these are provisional results. We hope to be able to provide you with additional information at the end of next week.

The above information will be made available in the form of a press release by The Hague District Public Prosecutor’s Office.

Yours sincerely,
H.J. Moraal
Senior Public Prosecutor