Serbian official says Kosovo independence leads to Balkan border changes
Radio Belgrade (Transcript) - December 20, 2003

Presenter: Nebojsa Covic, head of the Coordination Centre for Kosovo-Metohija, today visited Serbs in Gorazdevac and Osojanska Dolina and opened a section of the Zvecan-Zubin Potok road that was financed by the Coordination Centre for Kosovo-Metohija.

Commenting on the St Nicolas Day Declaration, which was adopted by the union of Serb municipalities from the province yesterday, Nebojsa Covic said that he did not support the division of Kosmet Kosovo-Metohija into entities.

Begin Covic recording: We are not in favour of border changes. We are not in favour of Kosovo-Metohija's division. We are in favour of the southern Serbian province, called Kosovo-Metohija, remaining intact. We are in favour of a normal life being established in the territory of Kosovo-Metohija.

Should the path towards Kosovo-Metohija's independence be pursued, in the first stage there will be diplomatic battles, because, if Kosovo-Metohija is to be made independent, than this amounts to a change of borders. If borders are to be changed, then we must ask ourselves what will happen with Macedonia, we must asks ourselves what will happen with Bosnia-Hercegovina, in other words, what will happen with the entire region. Our duty is to warn the people that this issue will be raised.

Presenter: During his visit to Gorazdevac, Nebojsa Covic said that he would file criminal charges with the international court against all the responsible UNMIK UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo officers for the way in which the privatization of companies was carried out in Kosovo-Metohija, which he described as robbery.

SOURCE: Radio Belgrade in Serbian 1800 gmt 20 Dec 03

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