September 8, 2004 - BBC Monitoring
Text of telephone interview with political
analyst Mustafa Spahic broadcast by Bosnian private Islamic station Radio Naba
web site on 8 September
Journalist: Mr Spahic, how would you comment on recent events in North Ossetia,
Russia, and the behaviour of the Russian government overall? (Passage omitted)
Spahic: What I can say in general, based on the teachings of Islam and the
behaviour of Muslims, is that I do not believe and I will never agree with or
accept the construction that Muslims can just take anyone hostage and make them
their victims. This creates anger, discontent all over the world, politically
speaking. From the perspective of Islam, this is an unforgivable crime against
(quotes in Arabic) men, women and children. From a political perspective as
well, if the main and strategic target of Al Qai'dah and Usamah Bin-Ladin is the
US, they would really be madmen if they wanted to make Russia their target as
well now or to wage war against the whole world.
I think that the same people are behind the 9/11 attacks in New York and
Washington and the Ossetia attack - the same people, same masterminds, same
organizers. They are in Jerusalem, they are in Washington - it is the top of the
Zionist, freemason, Jewish pyramid and lodge, which wishes to paint the blackest
picture possible of Islam and Muslims in the world.
I never exclude the possibility of a Muslim who is immature or unaware - or who
does not know at all that he serves the function of these services with his
Muslim name (doing that). But the masterminds and organizers are absolutely the
same: the freemason Zionist, militarist lobby and top ranks in Israel and the
US, which essentially are to serve as a screen for the most dangerous policy of
Israel in Palestine - the violence and the construction of the wall there - but
also for what is being done in Iraq, the taking over of oil and the attempt at
an absolute occupation and domination over the entire Persian Gulf region, in
order to place under control the world's strategic oil reserves under the
pretext of the fight against Islamic terrorism, fanaticism, revivalism and
fundamentalism. And this is not convincing unless it expands to Russia as well.
And what has happened in Ossetia cannot in any way be separated from the
election activities and Bush's election appearance in New York. For it has to be
constantly repeated to the entire world that this is about Islamic terrorism,
which is a threat to the entire world. I would not look at this outside these
Source: Radio Naba web site, Visoko, in
Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian 1730 gmt 7 Sep 04
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