Statement by Sloboda/Freedom Association
B E L G R A D E  - March 26, 2003


(Front one: Yugoslavia; Front two: Afghanistan; Front three: Israel/Palestine; Front four: Iraq; Front five, six, seven…)


1. Today, in absence of the ill President Milosevic, the ICTY was discussing how to further punish him. The options were to examine witnesses without his presence and to discuss his medical condition in his absence on the basis of the opinion of a medical expert proposed by Prosecution (!?) who never examined the President.

Trial chamber so far made no decision.

All this was discussed after it was stated that President Milosevic refuses to receive the medications, what makes him responsible for his medical condition.

This was a total lie.

President Milosevic was never refusing to take the medication, even after he was only last Sunday warned about its side effects.

But this morning the medication (Labetalol) was changed for the one he was taking for years until several months ago (Metaprolol).

All this is no surprise, since everything in ICTY is based on lies.

2. So, the summary would be the following:

·     President Milosevic with malignant hypertension and secondary heart damages was abducted and taken to The Hague;

·     Horrible prison conditions (no fresh air!) and workload of the trial (examination of the 10 years of history of NATO Balkans nightmare) that can be compared with no other defendant in history have produced deterioration of his condition;

·     Since with extremely high blood pressure he can not attend the trial, they have tried to down the blood pressure with stronger and improper medications that often produce side effects;

·     These medications by its side effects disable him to attend the trial.

·     That is called a deadlock. And what is response of the ICTY? Lies and punishment!

3. President of ICTY and some Western governments try all the time to assure appealing citizens, MPs, organizations that President Milosevic receives medical treatment of highest level and standards. How can they say it again?

4. Why they try to silence President Milosevic?

5. Why they impose dictatorship in Yugoslavia?

Because Yugoslavia was a laboratory of a planed perpetual World crisis from which the Empire would take benefit and rule. And because Yugoslavia and Serbian people have a speaker higher than all the Empire administrators put together. A person who is a witness of their crimes and who is able to expose them. To expose the darkest and the most anti-human project ever: to create national and religious hatred, terrorism, all kinds of extremism and then to use them as a pretext for gargantuan mass murder and mass destruction in order to grab the whole World wealth and to live on blood and sweat of the mankind. To warn the World and to become a leader of anti-globalist, anti-fascist and anti-colonial resistance. His name is Slobodan Milosevic.


Belgrade, March 26, 2003

SLOBODA/Freedom Association