www.slobodan-milosevic.org – July 6, 2004
Written by: Andy Wilcoxson
The Hague Tribunal is desperate to silence Slobodan Milosevic. They have taken all the possible measures to hinder the preparation of his defense case. They tell him that he’s sick, and then lock him in his cell. They routinely prevent him from seeing his legal associates. They won’t let him out of prison to prepare his defense, and, in spite of what they say, they won’t provide him with the necessary equipment that he needs in order to prepare his defense from inside the prison. They won’t even give him a dedicated fax line, he has to use the same phone line for both telephone and fax communications.
The tribunal’s latest scheme is contained in today’s so-called “Order on the Future Conduct of the Trial.” In the order it says that “The Registrar will identify to the Trial Chamber counsel who might be assigned to the case, should the Trial Chamber order such assignment.”
In other words, they want to impose a lawyer on Milosevic. This is a scheme that the Tribunal has attempted before, and it is a scheme that President Milosevic has consistently rejected.
This is a scheme that can’t work for the tribunal. The prosecution case is over, and it is now Milosevic’s turn to present his witnesses. No defense witness will cooperate, or agree to testify for an illegitimate lawyer imposed by the tribunal. Only a filthy traitor would betray Milosevic, and testify in front of the tribunal’s bastard lawyer. These witnesses will refuse to testify unless they are examined by Slobodan Milosevic personally.
If the tribunal attempts to impose a lawyer against Milosevic’s will, then it will have underestimated the caliber of witnesses that Milosevic is calling. These are not a collection of criminals and cowards like the prosecution called. None of these witnesses will hide, like a coward behind a screen, when they testify. Nor will they have to be hidden because of a criminal past, like so many prosecution witnesses were. Milosevic’s witnesses are patriots; they will gladly stand together with him to defend Serbia in front of the whole world.
The cowardice of the tribunal is really amazing. They are so afraid of the truth that they will go to any length to silence Slobodan Milosevic. Right now they’re trying silence him by imposing a lawyer on him against his will, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they try to silence him permanently by murdering him like they did to Slavko Dokmanovic.
Their so-called “prosecution” has completely failed to present any sort of case against Milosevic. All they have is their retarded conspiracy theory … oops I mean “joint criminal enterprise” theory.
It is really sad that Mr. May devoted the last days of his
life to this pathetic farce. He should have spent the end of his life with his
wife and children instead of trying to crucify an innocent man. If he was any
sort of man at all, then he must have regretted every minute that he spent at
that wretched “tribunal.” May God will have mercy on his soul.
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