Written by: Andy Wilcoxson

The Milosevic "trial" resumed after a two day break after President Milosevic fell ill with a fever. Today at the Hague Tribunal two 92-bis witnesses were examined and cross-examined in the Milosevic case.

The first witness to testify was "B-1775." This man was a mortician from Zvornik who had the unpleasant task of collecting the dead bodies, and bringing them back to the morgue to undergo examination by pathologists.

There was no connection between this witness and Milosevic, or between this witness and any official from the Government of Serbia. That being said, this witness was interesting none the less.

The witness was tasked with bringing in Serbian and Muslim, civilians and soldiers, who were killed in the war or who died of natural causes. This witness testified to the professionalism of Zvornik’s Serbian authorities. He testified that pathologists were brought in. That they conducted examinations of the corpses. That the corpses were marked for identification, and that the records were kept in a professional manner.

The witness didn’t see anybody being killed or any crimes being committed. The only time the witness saw anybody even being shot at was when the Muslim paramilitaries were shooting at him.

The witness testified that Muslim corpses were taken to Muslim cemeteries, and that they were given proper burials.

The witness also refuted the prosecution’s so-called “propaganda expert” who claimed that thousands of Muslims were killed in the heaviest fighting in Zvornik (April and May 1992). This witness who worked in the morgue, and therefore was in a better position than some Frenchman to know how many Muslims were killed in Zvornik stated that during that time only 50 Muslims were killed, and not thousands.

Because the witness was in Zvornik he was in a position to know what happened there, and in the area surrounding it. He stated that Muslim extremists had initiated the fighting in those parts. He said that Muslim extremists attacked and killed Serbs during the night, and that they looted their houses and burned them down.

Because this witness had the job he had, he was in a good position to know about some killings, and this gave President Milosevic the opportunity to read out lists of crimes that had occurred. Milosevic readout numerous lists of crimes always giving detailed information, including: the dates, locations, names of victims, etc…. Milosevic read out the lists of crimes, and then the witness confirmed whether or not the crimes had indeed occurred. Unfortunately, for the prosecution’s pathetic joke of a case, their own witness confirmed that most of the crimes had in fact occurred exactly in the manner described by Milosevic, and these were the worst crimes imaginable too. Muslim extremists  dismembered Serb corpses, they impaled Serbs with metal rods, gouged out the eyeballs from Serbian corpses, in one case they even shot a pregnant Serb woman in her stomach, killing her unborn baby.  

In the cross-examination by the Amicus, Tapuskovic; the witness spoke about how both Serb and Muslim refugees left Zvornik of their own free will, and how great numbers of them all went to Serbia in order to escape the civil war that was going on in the territory of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

The re-examination by Prosecutor, Groome was humorous. Groome was obviously kicking himself for bringing this witness to testify, since he had done so much damage to the prosecution's case, so Mr. Groome made a crude attempt to discredit the prosecution's own witness. Mr. Groome pulled an individual name out of his hat, and asked the witness what the circumstances surrounding that particular death that happened 10 years ago was. Groome didn’t give any other information besides the name, he didn’t give the location, or the date, or anything else. Mr. Groome thought that by giving incomplete information and asking the witness about one out of hundreds of cases that in this way he could discredit his own witness. Well, it didn’t work and Mr. Groome came off looking like a repugnant jerk.

The next witness was a secret witness testifying under the pseudonym “B-1455.” He was a Muslim who was the victim of abuse at the hands of some paramilitaries who he didn’t clearly identify. At any rate, he tried to tie those criminals who killed and abused him and other people to the JNA, but the ties he alleged are unlikely since the JNA was withdrawing from Bosnia on the very day (May 30 1992) that he said the crimes were being perpetrated by those unnamed paramilitaries.

Again this is another witness who’s testimony has absolutely nothing to do with anything concerning Slobodan Milosevic. I have no idea why the prosecution should be given any more time to present its case when the prosecution wastes time by bringing witnesses who have nothing to do with the man that the prosecution is accusing. It is witnesses like this who prove that the only agenda that the prosecution has is to demonize the Serbs.

This pathetic farce they call a “trial” has nothing to do with Slobodan Milosevic. Milosevic is just the fall guy. The real agenda is to demonize the Serbs, and to provide a retroactive justification for all of the crimes that the NATO alliance has perpetrated against the Serbs.

The testimony of the secret witness "B-1455" will be concluded at the Monday morning session.