June 2, 2003 -
Written by: Andy Wilcoxson

Monday at the Hague Tribunal the prosecution called 2 more irrelevant witnesses at the Milosevic trial. The two secret witnesses testified under the pseudonyms "B-1455" and "B-1098." Neither of these witnesses had anything to do with Milosevic.

Both men were Muslims who claimed to have survived execution by firing squad in the vicinity of Zvornik in 1992. The only problem was that they couldn't identify their would-be executioners. They tried to say that it was the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) who was trying to execute them, but at the time they were testifying about the JNA had already vacated Bosnia. Therefore, whoever was trying to kill them was not the JNA because the JNA wasn't there to do it. So now we have a situation at The Hague where unknown persons are the victims of crimes at the hands of unknown criminals. How can one even allege that Milosevic could be guilty of anything here? We don't even know who was perpetrating the crimes, and so you certainly can't allege that the unknown criminals were acting on orders from Milosevic.

In the case of "B-1098" there was no forensic evidence to prove that any execution had taken place at all.

"B-1455" might have been telling what he thought was the truth, but "B-1098" was obviously lying. "B-1098" claimed that himself and 63 other men were taken to a meat processing facility where they were shot. How did they get there? All 64 men got there on a 2 TON TRUCK the witness said. The only problem is that it is impossible to fit 64 men on a 2 ton truck. The witness fell into a very common trap for people who tell lies. He gave a lot of details to prove that he was telling the truth, and then he couldn't remember all of the details later, so he said something that was quite impossible.

In a case related to the Milosevic trial. The former JSO commander, Franko "Frenki" Simatovic, plead innocent to all five counts that the Tribunal accused him on. Frenki is jointly indicted with Jovica Stanisic. Both men are accused of being a member of the so-called "joint criminal enterprise." Frenki's innocent plea should put an end to the media speculation that he would testify against Milosevic in exchange for a lighter sentence.

Meanwhile, Jovica Stanisic is undergoing medical treatment in Belgrade. A decision on his extradition is possible this week.