Written by: Andy Wilcoxson


Today at the Hague Tribunal the secret witness testifying under the pseudonym of “C-17” concluded his testimony.


During the conclusion of his examination-in-chief this so-called “C-17” told Ms. Uertz-Retzlaff about an incident where a Canadian volunteer took members of UNPROFOR hostage, and attempted to use them as human shields during the NATO bombing.


The secret witness, together with that woman from the other side, proceeded to present that shameful taking of hostages as some sort of act organized by Slobodan Milosevic’s envoy, Jovica Stanisic. They explained that Jovica Stanisic came to Bosnia and wanted to take over the hostages, but they didn’t explain why.


In the cross-examination Slobodan Milosevic cleared this whole thing up. It was explained that the Government of Serbia had actually negotiated the release of the hostages, and that Jovica Stanisic was sent to Bosnia by President Milosevic in order to take over the hostages so that they could be brought back to Serbia and set free.


This typical for that so-called “prosecution.” They took a humanitarian act where the Government of Serbia secured the release of hostages, and then tried to make it look like evidence of some sort of crime.


This secret witness gave a statement to the tribunal consisting almost exclusively of things that he says he heard from other people. A typical example was when he said that the Government of Serbia was providing weapons to the Army of Republika Srpska (VRS).


The witness said that he saw civilian trucks from Serbia and that somebody told him that the trucks contained weapons. “C-17” never actually saw the weapons, he only heard about them from other people.


There was so much hearsay in “C-17’s” statement that President Milosevic came right out and asked him what the point of his so-called “evidence” was. “C-17” explained that he couldn’t answer that question because didn’t work for the tribunal, and that he was only testifying because they asked him to. In other words, this secret witness was so useless that he didn’t even know what the point of his own testimony was.


This witness was so ill-informed that it was pathetic. Yesterday I accused the prosecution of trying to manipulate public perception by calling the Krajina Red Berets, simply the “Red Berets.” I thought that they were trying to create a misleading perception that the Serbian JSO was involved in Bosnia.


Apparently, the witness really was talking about the Serbian JSO. The problem here, as President Milosevic pointed out, is that the Serbian JSO didn’t even exist during the time that the witness was talking about, so the witness couldn’t have seen the Serbian JSO in Mostar or anywhere else, because they didn’t exist.


More evidence that this secret witness was ill-informed came when he was speaking about the Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA) being in Mostar as late as the middle of June 1992.


As President Milosevic pointed out, the JNA didn’t exist in Bosnia after May 19, 1992. The JNA was ordered to withdraw from Bosnia, however Bosnian-Serb JNA members remained on their homeland, and the JNA equipment which they had in their possession remained in Bosnia with them and that is how the VRS was formed. So it is obvious that “C-17” was either lying or seeing things that weren’t there when he says that he saw the JNA in the middle of June. Either way whether he was hallucinating or lying; the repeated references that this secret witness made to the JNA being in Mostar in June of 1992 calls his credibility into question.


All in all this was just another worthless witness in this shameful political circus that they call a “trial.”





  1. The Prosecutor, Ms. Uertz-Retzlaff concluded the examination in chief of the secret witness testifying under the pseudonym of “C-17.”


  1. President Slobodan Milosevic cross-examined the secret witness testifying under the pseudonym of “C-17”


  1. The Amicus Curiae, Mr. Tapuskovic cross-examined the secret witness testifying under the pseudonym of “C-17”


  1. The Prosecutor, Ms. Uertz-Retzlaff re-examined the secret witness testifying under the pseudonym of “C-17”