Even if you don't understand what I'm saying in this appeal, please copy it and send it to as many people as you can because it only takes one person to understand what I'm saying and take action.

The Hague Proceedings against Radovan Karadzic will be broadcast via satellite at the following coordinates.

Satellite name: Intelsat 907
Position 27.5 degrees west
DVB- PAL system
Not encrypted- in the clear
C band download frequency- 4109.809
Symbol rate – 1.384144
B polarization (left circular)
Audio – 2 channels, Stereo

If you live within the coverage area seen on this map, and you have a satellite dish that you can point at Intelsat 907, and if you have a simple DVB receiver like this one, then you can record a broadcast quality video of the digital satellite feed coming out of The Hague and post it on Usenet as a binary file.

Likewise, if you live in an area where the trial is broadcast on TV or you otherwise have access to a video feed of the trial you can use a video capture card to record the video feed to your PC and post it on Usenet.

The advantage of posting the file on Usenet is that you don't have to provide or pay for the bandwidth consumed by users who download the file, nor do you have to remain on line while they download the file like you would distributing it via P2P. Once a few tech savvy users have downloaded the file from Usenet they can burn their own archive on DVD, share the footage on P2P services, and post clips on Google video and YouTube. To further facilitate public access to the trial, .nzb and .tor files pointing to the raw trial footage can be posted on websites all over the internet.

So, if you are a techno-geek (and I mean that in the most affectionate way) with a will to record history and facilitate public access to the trial of Radovan Karadzic -- please take this idea and run with it. All it takes is one person to take some initiative and do this. I would do it myself, but I'm based in the U.S. and there's no access to the broadcast video feed here.

There is a real and pressing need for somebody to do this, because timely and reliable public access to the proceedings at the Tribunal are sorely lacking. The Tribunal does not make transcripts of its proceedings available to the public in a timely fashion, and the web-cast coming out of the Tribunal is unreliable at best, it's difficult for all but the most tech-savvy users to save and archive the live web-cast footage, and even when the web-cast is working properly the quality is poor because of bandwidth constraints.

So please, somebody, anybody, take some personal initiative and do this. If you think Karadzic is guilty then do it so the world can see the Prosecution prove their case against him. If you think Karadzic is innocent then do it so the world see him confound his accusers. I don't care why you do it -- just somebody please do it.

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