- September 3, 2003

The vast majority of today's proceedings took place in the so-called "closed session." Only the 3rd session could be seen, while the first two sessions were held in secret.

From what could be seen today a 92-bis witness named Mustafan Kustanovic testified. Mr. Kustanovic is a Muslim businessman from Bijeljina. Like so many other witnesses he testified about things that he heard from other people, and he attempted to paint a personal family dispute that he was having as some sort of an interethnic dispute.

His testimony about the presence of Arkan and Captain Dragan in Bijeljina contradicted the testimony of other prosecution witnesses.His testimony also contradicted itself. On the one hand he testified that Muslims had to pay bribes in order to leave, and on the other hand he testified that they were chased away by the Serbs.

Mr. Kustanovic testified that there were many Muslims from Bijeljina who joined the VRS, and that there were in fact Muslims who were officers in the VRS. This testimony of his contradicted his allegation that the Serbs were dismissing Muslims and replacing them with Serbs at every opportunity. After all, as President Milosevic observed, weren't there any Serbs who would have been competent to serve as VRS officers?