Hague Tribunal Prosecutor Geoffrey Nice leaving the Hague Tribunal Under Accusation of Sexual Harassment
Srpski Nacional (Belgrade) - April 27, 2006
The Hague - Our paper has been informed that Mr. Nice is  alleged to have verbally harassed  women working for the prosecution and of having molested in the corridors several employees of the court by grab-ass.
The Nice case is not isolated. Last year a minor official of this court, with doors of his office open, was caught in the act of masturbating. That whole business was covered up and was scarcely mentioned outside the tribunal.
Tribunal spokesman Anton Nikiforov, on questioning by journalists, confirmed that Nice is leaving the tribunal, but said he knew nothing about any charges of sexual harassment against him.
A female journalist of Agence France Presse asked Nikiforov if it was true that a complaint was brought [by protected witness(es)] against Nice for sexual harassment. -"I took that question yesterday and I said that I do not know anything about that case. [Mr Nice] will leave after completion of his contract, since he was engaged solely for the Milosevic case. There is no other reason.
The Milosevic trial is closed and we no longer have the position of prosecutor that was held by [Mr Nice]. That position has been terminated by mutual consent and that has no connection with anything else,” according to Nikiforov.
The Hague Tribunal is not responsible for manifestations of sexual harassment in the Hague. This institution concerns itself only with war crimes on the soil of the former Yugoslavia. Any information that you have in connection with sexual harassment are are of a personal nature. If any such thing happens, that is the bailiwick of the UN in New York. That is not for us, and it is not connected with our concerns,” Nikiforov explained.

Copyright 2006 Serpski Nacional (news paper)
Posted for Fair Use only.

Translation provided by: J.P. Maher