Tanjug - January 8, 2004

Nis - Rada Trajkovic, member of the "Povratak" (Return) coalition and a deputy in the Kosovo Assembly, has stated today that UNMIK (UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo) chief Harri Holkeri is implementing the policies of informal power centres in Kosmet (Kosovo-Metohija) - the Crisis Group, the Anglo-American lobby and the American-Albanian league.

"We have information, precisely from these informal groups, which unfortunately rule in Kosmet, that, this June, our people and our state should expect a further destabilization of our government, and we presently do not know what it will look like," Trajkovic told the Nis daily Narodne Novine.

This will certainly boost Albanians' appetites, she said, adding that "unfortunately, certain ambassadors are participating in the creation of Serbian policy as if they were on the election list".

"There are about 1,500 Al-Qa'idah fighters in Kosovo-Metohija, and the intelligence services know this for sure. This information comes from international sources," Trajkovic said.

According to her, "recruiting Albanians for these units is one of the priorities of that movement".

Trajkovic said that Holkeri had transferred to Kosovo's provisional institutions almost all the powers and that the next move, if the state of Serbia failed to do something, could be giving consent to the setting up of the ministries of foreign affairs and the police.

Due to the victory of the right-wing bloc in Serbia, there is some nervousness in the international community, she said.

In contrast to this, no-one is talking about the fact that the Albanians who are responsible for crimes and who should be in The Hague (International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia - ICTY), are in power in Pristina, Trajkovic said.

Source: Tanjug news agency, Belgrade, in Serbian 1152 gmt 8 Jan 04

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