Still no KFOR patrols to protect Serbs in Obilic
Tanjug - June 9, 2003

20:33 OBILIC - Six days after the monstrous murder of the three-member Stolic family by Albanian extremists in Obilic, near Pristina, there is no sign of the KFOR patrols in the street inhabited by 22 Serb families. As Tanjug learns from its Serb sources in Obilic, KFOR patrols were noticed on Monday only in the town center, inhabited by Albanians only, and on the road leading out of the town to the Serb-populated village of Plemetina.

The day following the murder, the Kosovo police service (KPS), in co-operation with the KFOR troops from Norway, proclaimed June 5 "the welcome day to the police station" in Obilic, which was interpreted by Serbs as cynicism.

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