US lawyers barred from defending indictees in The Hague
Tanjug - June 19, 2003
16:08 THE HAGUE - US President George Bush has issued an order according to which US lawyers are barred from representing before the Tribunal in The Hague war crimes suspects from the territory of the former Yugoslavia, the Tribunal in The Hague said on Wednesday.

AP news agency has reported that this executive order of the US Administration, dated May 29 this year, and which was made public on the US government website only on Wednesday, suspends support for over 200 individuals and organizations of the former Yugoslavia who are on the US black list and bans the extension of services and funds to such persons, including legal representation. On that list are all the accused in the trial of Slobodan Milosevic, as well as his entire family. Some 20 US lawyers are defending war crimes suspects before the Tribunal in The Hague, a court that has the political and financial support of the United States.

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