April 10, 2004 - BBC Monitoring Service

Text of Drini Gjata report entitled "Volunteers from Albania in Kosovo riots" published by the Albanian newspaper Tema on 7 April

At least six corpses of people killed in the recent riots have not yet been identified at Prishtina (Pristina) morgue. Meanwhile, UNMIK (UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo) has brought down the official number of the people killed in them from 28 to 19. According to the latest UNMIK communique, 11 Albanians and 8 Serbs were killed in the riots, reducing the official number given earlier by nine persons. The difference of nine persons has caused major suspicions in Kosova, while there are at least six unidentified dead people at the Prishtina morgue. UNMIK refuses to make any official statements on this scandal with figures, but sources in it say that the unidentified corpses, at least six of them, have clear identification signs of being residents of Albania. Their involvement in the last riots in Kosovo is unclear and raises many suspicions. The Albanian media wrote about the possible implication of a political group in Kosova (Kosovo), close to Prime Minister Fatos Nano, in the recent riots in Kosova. A private television station in Tirana broadcast supporters of Prime Minister Nano from Kosova calling for support for the riots in Kosova and for an end to protests against Nano in the country.

The Albanian secret intelligence service has not confirmed the presence of any of its agents in Kosova or their possible implication in the events there. However, the suspicion is not denied that groups linked with Prime Minister Nano in Kosova may have been used to incite unrest there in order to shift attention from the events in Albania.

The unidentified dead at the Prishtina morgue are neither Serbs nor Albanians from Kosova, because the respective families have identified their dead. They may be Albanians from Albania and there are signs and things belonging to them which prove that they had come from Albania.

The silence that prevails in Prishtina about this scandal is incited also by political circles in Kosova which are interested in hiding the links between these riots and official Tirana.

However, the leader of the Albanians of Kosova, Ibrahim Rugova, raised clear suspicions about such an implication of Albanians in his latest interview to the British media. He called on the international authorities to rein in the interference of neighbouring states in the internal affairs of Kosova and it is clear that he meant Albania and Serbia.

The involvement of Albanians from Albania into the riots in Kosova and their eventual killing there, make up a suspicious chapter about the role that Albania plays in the stability of the region, which until now has been the most favourable card that the Nano government has been using to win international support. The engagement of Nano's allies in Kosova in favour of the protests and the forced silence of the international authorities there regarding the identity of the dead, the scandal with the figures of the dead, and a transfiguration of Prime Minister Nano after his visit to Washington seem to herald new developments in this respect.

Source: Tema, Tirana, in Albanian 7 Apr 04

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