Who Holds the Rei(g)ns?
The Sofia Echo (Bulgaria) - May 29, 2006

Foreign Briefs - Borislav Milosevic, the brother of late Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic, told Russian media that the state union of Serbia and Montenegro was put together by the European Union, primarily Javier Solana, in early 2003, and that it was not viable from the very start.

"The Montenegrin referendum will speed up elections in Serbia and intensify centrifugal ambitions in the Balkans," he said. "Certain Montenegrin Albanians are already demanding an independence referendum for future unification with independent Kosovo. Abanians’ separatist feelings will also intensify in Macedonia. The European Union is creating such an area in the Balkans in which nothing can be done without its mediation," he said.

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