Closing Statement at the Third SPS Congress
March 2, 1996
Speech delivered by: Slobodan
Milošević Chairman of the SPS
Dear guests,
In the past few years Serbia has been living through difficult
times. As her whole history was difficult it seemed to us that Serbia had already got used to them.
Nevertheless, these difficult years have hit us hard. Namely, almost all of us
believed, particularly after the Second World War, that a period of peace had
set in, at least in this part of the world and, certainly, in Serbia.
Regrettably, this was not to be. Behind us are several painful years of
sanctions, refugeesm and war in our immediate neighbourhood. Serbia has assisted materially and morally
all afflicted Serbs, those at war where a war was waged, those in peace who
could not work, those in exile and those here and all
this while she herself was under sanctions which, after all, had been imposed
precisely as a consequence of this moral and material support to Serbs outside Serbia. This solidarity and sacrifices
should be remembered for ever by the Serbian people, wherever they may be. Very
rarely in history was a people faced with the need to
show such solidarity and very rarely in history did a people succeed in doing
so. This solidarity shown not only by the Serbian people, but also by all
citizens of Serbia, is the lasting and most beautiful
monument to their humaneness. And all those on whom this solidarity was
showered should remember it as a message of kindness and a debt which one day
they may be called upon to repay to a future generation. It is the memory of
such messages of kindness and indebtedness that help both nations and people
A new time is ahead of us
in Serbia and in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. A peace treaty has been signed,
sanctions have been suspended, refugees will slowly
start returning to their homes. Serbia now should turn to progress, first
of all, to its economic development. It is quite understandably very exhausted
economically, but even in the course of these several difficult years it kept
going as best as such grave circumstances permitted. It is quite justified to
expect Serbia’s economy to recover rapidly. To
that end, it should make use of all existing and state-of-the-art economic and
technological know-how and in this endeavour bring
together the largest possible number of citizens, experts, workers, peasants,
intellectuals and young people. The same applies to cultural development. Over
the decades our country enjoyed a high reputation world-wide in all fields of
human endeavour, including sports. Now, it should
renew its artistic, research and sports resources. Economic and cultural
development should be our political programme, our
step into the next century which will make it possible for us at its very
beginning to live in peace, committed to development and turned to the future.
It would be both reasonable and essential for all those who have this
orientation at heart to join forces in the interest of the development of our
For a number of years the
Socialist Party of Serbia has, as the ruling party and the biggest party in the
country, borne most responsibility for Serbia’s future development. It is,
therefore, bound to support and itself make a contribution to every progressive
effort to bring together the material resources and spiritual forces in our
society in the interest of peace, economic and cultural prosperity. In the past
few years the Socialist Party of Serbia sought to do its utmost in the interest
of our society, focusing on the position and future of the Serbian people not
only in Serbia, but also in the space of the
former Yugoslavia. Even now we have reason to believe
that we acted correctly by opting for this policy. Nobody, however, should
claim that there were no mistakes, nationalist outbursts, wrong personnel
decisions, political disloyalty, moral corruption, wrong assessments. The
problem does not lie in mistakes, they are made both
by the society and by individuals. The problem with mistakes arises when we
refuse to recognise them, and those which are not recognised as such cannot be removed. We had to face many
of these mistakes even before the Congress; we identified some during its
preparation. We shall continue by all means to deal with them responsibly and
without much fuss in the future as well, not only for the benefit of the
Socialist Party of Serbia, but for the benefit of Serbia, its citizens and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
Hence, I am confident that
this Congress will represent a step which will bring us closer to the coming
century, to better days, both for us and all those who long for peace and
I wish every success and
much happiness both to you and to your families.